
Sunday, June 19, 2011

C25K: Week 5

What a crazy week this has been. It started off like any other week. I got up last Sunday morning and ran day one of week five of the C25K running plan. Day one started me off with three five minute runs. It went well, if my memory serves me correct. Ha! It truly has felt like two weeks instead of one.

Tuesday was our eight year anniversary. I got up like I normally do on Tuesdays and ran day two which included two eight minute runs. In my last post I confessed that I had eaten a little differently than I normally do but I monitored it and I went back to the gym that night. When I went to bed on Tuesday, I was happy with myself and what I'd accomplished so far and I was actually looking forward to Thursday and my final run of the week.

But on Wednesday afternoon, I noticed that my throat felt a little sore. I hoped that it was just a fluke and that I wasn't actually getting sick. It's not uncommon for my throat to hurt randomly due to sinus stuff. But before church was over on Wednesday night, I could barely swallow. I went on to the gym but decided to hit the treadmill first instead of the circuit training. Walking on the treadmill was torture. I couldn't increase my speed because my whole body ached and my throat was killing me. After 30 minutes I'd had enough.

By the time I got home I knew that I wouldn't be getting up the next morning to run. I was so disappointed. Day three was supposed to be a real test of my endurance...a 20 minute run. I really wanted to see if I could do it. By Thursday morning, my throat was swollen and fire engine red. I ended up a urgent care. Two shots and three prescriptions later, I was home to rest.

I had hoped to be able to get up on Saturday morning and finish week five but my body really needed the extra rest. After grocery shopping for the next week, I took Abigail to a birthday party for a family friend. *Confession Alert* I had a cupcake and a snack-sized bag of Frito's. Later on we went back to our friends house and ate dinner. We had brown rice and chicken. It was a healthy meal. However, later on I was still hungry and I'm not sure if my resolve was down because I had been sick but I was craving a hamburger. So, my friend and I went to Sonic. We split a hamburger and I had another snack-sized bag of chips, Doritos this time. I justified it and went on about my night. But an hour or so after eating it, I had stomach pains and I felt miserable. I ended up staying up really late last night so I didn't get the sleep that my body needed.

I had set my alarm to get up on Sunday morning and finish week 5. I would normally be starting a new week not finishing a week. I was so tired that I just turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. We overslept and luckily we were only a few minutes late to Sunday School. We grabbed some organic granola bars for breakfast as we headed out the door.

As you know, today was Father's day. Ryan wanted to eat at Copeland's which has yummy Cajun-style food. I'm just going to go ahead and say what I have to say. It's like pulling a band-aid off. We ordered a FRIED appetizer and I ordered a calorie loaded pasta dish with a crab cake stuffed eggplant...FRIED! Again, I justified my options even though there were several options to get something much healthier. I will say that I ate much less than I would have a couple of months ago and I left the leftovers at the restaurant so I wouldn't be tempted by them again.

I went home and felt full and guilty. I also felt sluggish. I had finally had enough. Around 6:45, I got my running clothes and shoes on. I left Abigail with Ryan and walked outside. The wind was blowing pretty good so it made it feel cooler out than it was. I was going to do this. I owed it to myself and my body especially after I had given it such poor choices this week. I completed my five minute warm-up walk and I was ready for my run. It felt good. When the lady on my iPod said that I was halfway done, I smiled. I still felt good. I couldn't believe I was doing it. The last 1/4 of the run was tough but I pushed through. If I hadn't felt so wobbly when I transitioned from running to walking, I probably would have broken out into my happy dance right there on the sidewalk. As soon as I got my heart rate down a bit, I called my mom. I had to tell someone that I had finished and she's probably my biggest fan! Thanks mom!

I came home and Ryan and Abigail congratulated me. I sat down on the stairs to cool off and I let out a little victory yell. Yes, they both thought I was acting crazy but I was so happy. After a nice cool shower, I had supper. I wasn't really that hungry so I had half a peanut butter sandwich and some strawberries.

Before I ran, I was thinking about blogging and chalking this week up to a loss. I mean you win some, you lose some, right? But even though I didn't eat the best all week, I'm counting this week as a victory in my book. Being able to run 20 minutes without stopping is something to be proud of and it's an accomplishment.

Here's to next week. I'm not sure what the scale is going to show when I weigh tomorrow but whatever happens, I'm back on track and on my way to being better than ever!

Peace, Love, and Healthy Living,


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