
Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's Next???

I finished The Couch to 5K program and I ran my first what's next? Not only have I been asked that question many times in the last week but I've asked it of myself. Where do I go from here?

I'm the type of girl who likes a plan and LOVES to plan. I get an honest to goodness thrill planning events. I probably should have been an professional event planner. I remember planning a school wide picnic my last semester in college. I was on the Student Government council and somehow became in charge of the Spring Picnic. At first I was a little nervous because not only students attended this event, professors as well. Mind you, this was a small college, everyone knew everyone. But as soon as I got to work my nervousness faded and excitement took over. I loved every minute of planning the menu, coming up with activities including a dunking booth for a select few professors, making deposits and purchasing the items needed...I loved being in charge! Everything went off without a hitch and I received multiple compliments from students and professors alike.

I love event planning so much that I have to be very careful around my daughter's birthday. I tend to want to plan a party like I'm Richy Rich when I'm more like Poor Patty! :) If it were up to me and money was no option, she'd have awesome, outrageous, talk of the town birthday parties every year but I still manage to pull off quality birthday parties on a budget and I love every minute of it.

But what does this have to do with what comes next for me on my journey? Well, as I sat here thinking about the end result of this journey, I felt a little "lost at sea," like a boat that lost its way and is just sitting out in the middle of the ocean being tossed around by the waves knowing that it needs to get to shore but it just doesn't know how.


In a previous post about goals, I talked about how important it was to set them, short term ones to help you reach long term ones. I've sort of reached my short term goals now and until I set more short term goals I'm going to continue to flounder around.

When people have asked me the question, "What's next?" I've had the same answer. I'm going to continue running, I want to increase my speed and shorten my 5K time, I want to get back into the gym and work on strength training and take spinning classes, and I'm still working toward my first weight loss goal of 30 pounds down by September. All of these things are true but for the past few days I've been a little ho-hum about the whole thing. My desires haven't changed but I feel like I've lost a bit of my mojo.

What's the problem?

You know how at Christmas, there is this huge anticipation, a big build up to Christmas day? We spend weeks, even months getting ready for it. We decorate, agonize over our Christmas lists, shop, bake, cook, wrap, carol, party, etc. And then on December 25 in a matter of minutes (OK, maybe a couple of hours) the presents are unwrapped, the food has been eaten, and everyone is sitting around looking at each other like, "what's next?"  That's how I've felt since I ran the race and have come back home. I know there is more to be done but I can't help but feel a little let down. There was all this planning and gearing up for the big race day. There was weeks of training, registration, travel planning, time spent with family, and finally the race. But when I got home I had to ask myself, "Where do I go from here?"

So, it's time for re-evaluating, goal setting, and strategic planning. I only have 12 pounds to lose to meet my goal of 30 pounds down by September. My eating has been a little lax since I've been back. And to be honest, I wanted junk food so bad yesterday that I was beyond thankful there was none in the house. I don't know if I would have had the self-control I needed to resist the temptation. I feel guilty about not eating as good as I normally do. I haven't been horrible in my eating just not as good as I could be. And I enjoy eating healthy. I actually love it. I definitely need to hit up the grocery store and restock. That's part of the problem.

So here are my new short term goals to get me over this hump and onward on my journey:

1. Continue to run at least 3 days a week, concentrating on pace and time.
2. Get back into a gym routine focusing on strength training.
3. Take the beginners spin class at the gym.
4. Be more mindful of my eating focusing not only on calories but fat and sugar as well.
5. Continue to increase my water intake

What are your goals? Without goals and a plan to reach're going nowhere fast! It's one thing to set goals and it's another to do something about them. It's what separates those who are successful from those who are still "lost at sea."

Peace, Love, and Healthy Living,


1 comment:

  1. I totally get that. Good for you for setting some new goals! I have to constantly tweak, reset, readjust, etc. and that works well for me. You accomplished something amazing...and you will continue to see successes with the effort you are putting out there! SO proud of you!
