It's been a crazy few weeks. Ryan drove Abigail and I halfway to meet my dad the last weekend in January. We were supposed to stay in Graceville for the week and then celebrate Marlee's first birthday the following weekend. Ryan was supposed to come pick us up after Marlee's party but he wound up having to work and thus, we are still "stranded" in Graceville. We have greatly enjoyed our time with my family but we miss Ryan so much. He is coming on Wednesday night but leaving Thursday morning to go to the True Church Conference in Mussle Shoals, Alabama with my dad and some of his church members. We will only get to see him for a bit before he's gone again. But I know he will have a great time and be encouraged and grow in the Lord while he is gone. Then on Sunday afternoon we will be together again...FINALLY! :)
Marlee had a princess themed first birthday party. She was so cute in her tutu! Everything was decked out in pink and white and the cake was oh so yummy! A lot of our family from Georgia made the trip for her birthday so we all went out to eat at Mikata, a Japanese steakhouse in Dothan, Alabama, afterwards. It was so yummy! Haha, maybe I should stop eating and start blogging at my other site on trying to lose weight! Anyway, we all had a great time.
Everyone has to work during the week except me and dad. Haha! I brought my wii so I have been kicking dad's butt in Mario Kart and Dr. Mario. Our Mario Kart races can get pretty intense! Abigail and I have enjoyed getting to spend a lot of time with him over these past couple of weeks.
On Friday, we got a huge surprise...SNOW! The weather kept forcasting it, but I had my doubts. It started coming down, mixed with rain, around 9:30 AM on Friday morning and then went back to just rain. But around 2:30 PM it really started snowing! I mean come on...THIS IS FLORIDA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I hate cold weather but the snow was nice and it was Abigail's first time seeing it. She had just gone down for a nap when it really started coming down so we woke her up and took her out to play. We wound up playing in it for about two hours, throwing snowballs and making a snowman! I took tons of pictures. Her daddy was jealous when we called to tell him. I hate it that he missed it. While I hate cold weather, I have to admit, everything looked beautiful covered in snow.
This is our last week in Graceville. I am very thankful for the time we have had with my family. I hate living so far away so these visits that last more than just a few days are so refreshing and fun. We'll make the most of this last week and probably take more pictures than necessary!