
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Before and After: Part Two

A while back I showed you a picture of me with my SIL (sister-in-law) at Christmas which was a "before" picture and then a more recent "after" picture to give you a visual image of how much weight I have lost.

It's been a while since I've done comparison pictures and when I ran across a picture taken of me by my MIL back in October, I just knew it was time. I was hoping to edit the picture a little so you see mostly me but I'm at my parent's and my dad's laptop doesn't have any editing software on it to crop the picture. I also don't have a "recent" full body shot where you see just me so I'm using my current Facebook profile picture of me and my nephew Jad as my "after" photo.

Feel free to leave comments! :)

BEFORE (OCT 2010):

AFTER (AUG 2011):


  1. You look so much like your Mama in the bottom pic!

  2. You're doing awesome! I can really see the difference. Congrats!
