
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Numero Dos


August is rapidly coming to a close and I've only blogged ONCE this month (besides this post)! You can thank my MIL (mother-in-law) for this one. She gave me a little nudge over on Facebook to put up a new post. So here it goes...

My life has been a little out of hand lately. Have you ever been playing in the ocean and a big wave comes out of nowhere, knocks your feet out from under you, and you find yourself tumbling feet over head under the water towards the shore? It's a really weird and sometimes panic inducing feeling. But that's sort of what life has been like over the last month. Nothing major has happened so don't freak out on me. I just never thought I was one of those, "I have to have my routine or my life gets chaotic" types of person. Apparently, I am.

Really, since the beginning of July things have been crazy. It all started with a planned visit from my parent's, and unplanned visit from my "outlaws" :). Things quickly proceeded to a week of VBS with three year olds, a sick child, a week long visit from my brother and his family, losing my job, and a trip to see Ryan's family. Things should be back to normal by now but instead of going home after our trip to Fernandina Beach, Ryan dropped Abigail and myself off in Graceville to spend a total of 12 days with my parent's before he comes back to pick us up.

So, now do you understand my ocean metaphor? I'm not complaining. I have loved every minute of my crazy summer. Family is extremely important to me so the more time I get to spend with family, planned or unplanned, the happier I am. But the chaos of it all has left me feeling like I'm tumbling under the water, desperate to reach the top and take a breath. My sanity and my healthier lifestyle needs a routine.

I know that reading about my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey is what brings most of you to my page in the first place but I don't have a lot to say on the subject right now. I haven't weighed in a few weeks but even through the chaos, I've tried to stay as consistent as possible both with exercise and diet. But I do know that I haven't been as strict or as dedicated as I could and should have been. That's why I'm craving my routine right now.

I haven't reached my first weight loss goal of 30 lbs down by September yet so I'm planning on kicking things up so that I can reach that goal. I may not make it by the first of September but I will be there before it's over. Remember, it's all about making a plan and setting goals and then tweaking them when necessary. Which is where I am in my journey right now. I've been thinking about how I can best achieve my goals and taking a hard look at what's working and what isn't. I've found that having an actual exercise plan or training schedule like C25K really helped me stay accountable. I've still been running since my race back in July but I haven't been as consistent and I want to be. So, I'm looking into 10K training to help me reach my fitness and weight loss goals. I'll let you know more about that when I figure things out.

Not sure if you caught the earlier part about losing my job but I did. It was unexpected but I know that God was not caught by surprise and that He is faithful! And I may already have a job when I get back. So please pray for me that the new job works out and that if it doesn't that I'll be patient and wait on the Lord and what He has for me.

So there you have it post numero dos for the month of August!

Peace, Love, and Healthy Living,

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