
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

31.3 Jump & Gentle Mommy Challenge

I've spent some time over the last couple of days thinking about topics for future blog posts. I have a lot of new and exciting things coming up to share with you all. But before I get to those, I want to mention a challenge I am taking part in over on a another blog I follow. Clare at Peak 313 is all about health and fitness. I love reading her blog and getting tips and advice on living my healthier lifestyle. But she isn't just concerned about physical health, she's also concerned about her follower's spiritual health. Her challenge for the month of January is called "31.3 Jump"

31 Days, 3 Commitments, Jumpstart Your Year! The challenge is to eat clean, move more, and renew daily. She even has printable's for exercise ideas and scripture memory cards. Please check out her site and join the challenge.

Also, another blog I follow is Courtney's over at Women Living Well. Her blog is all about being a Proverbs31 woman and all that it entails. She is joining in on the challenge as well.

While you're over there checking out her blog, be sure to check out the Gentle Mommy Challenge.

Let me know if you join in on either of the two challenges. I've joined both!

Peace, Love, and Healthy Living,



  1. You look great!! So many times I say...I need to lose weight... yet I do NOTHING about it! I want that to change....and I am embarking on that journey one step at a time. What an inspiration!

  2. Thank you Piper! I believe that one step at a time is the best way to go about it. If you change too much at once, you risk overwhelming yourself and giving up. Start small and build's what I did! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
