
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ten Blogs to Follow

I told you before the end of last year that I would do a blog post devoted to my favorite blogs that I follow. Now, I know that you can just scroll down and look at the list on the right side of the page but that doesn't really give you much indication to what the blog is about or give you reasons why I follow them in the first place.

Below you'll find the ten blogs I read the most (in alphabetical order)...

1. Biblical Christianity - Dan Phillips

I love this blog because Dan doesn't mince words when it comes to the Gospel. My mother-in-law recently ordered Dan's book, The World Tilting Gospel, for my husband's birthday. I'm looking forward to reading it once it comes in...after my husband reads it, of course. Some of my favorite posts are his Friday Hither and Thither entries. Dan's sarcastic sense of humor combined with his Biblical discernment makes this blog a winner in my book!

2. Butterflies & Ladybugs - Misti Coleman

Misti is one of my friends here in Louisiana. I love to read her posts about motherhood and her heart for adoption. You will too!

3. Changing My Blueprint - Clara Blitch

If you're reading my blog then you know that I mainly blog about weight loss and healthy living. Clara's blog inspired me to continue on in my journey when I needed it most. After reading her blog in it's entirety, I contacted her through Facebook and we became fast friends and supporters of each other's journey's. She lives in the same town as my parents so I make it a point to meet up with her when I am home visiting. Those visits always leave me encouraged and inspired. And you might like to know that her before and after pic was recently posted by Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser on his Facebook page!

4. Comfy in the Kitchen - Janelle Nehrenz

I can't even remember how I came across this blog to begin with but I LOVE it. Janelle posts some really great recipes and is in charge of fellowship meal and such at her church. She provides really helpful hints to make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Check out her What Every Comfy Kitchen Needs tab and you'll even find a link back to my blog. My suggestion is next to last on the list.

5. itmom - Lyndsay

I came across Lyndsay's blog while "Googling" for some craft ideas for my daughter's 4th birthday party. If you are a mom, you'll LOVE this blog. She always has the most creative ideas for things to do with your children and I'm pretty sure I've seen several of her ideas "pinned" on Pinterest. 

6. Not that it matters, but... - Jamey Nolan

Jamey is a friend of ours here in Louisiana. His blog is basically stories from his life and lessons that he's learned. I promise you that you'll be holding your stomach with tears streaming down your face if you read this blog. He is HILARIOUS! And the predicaments that he finds himself in have to be true because they are too ridiculous not to be!

7. Peak 313 - Clare 

I discovered this blog through my friend Clara (mentioned above). Clare is an aerobics instructor who not only loves fitness but she loves Jesus too! Her blog is full of helpful hints, advice, and inspiration for losing weight, staying fit, and being healthy. 

8. Reasoning from the Scriptures - Olan Strickland

This is my dad's blog. I may be a little partial to him but trust me, you'll love his blog. He is the pastor of a small church in Alabama. The sole purpose of his blog is stated right in his tagline and it's scripture, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God..." 2 Corinthians 10:15

9. The Sands Sidebar - Melissa Sands

Interesting fact about Melissa - my mom used to babysit her when she was a kid. I used to babysit her son years ago when he was a baby. Crazy, huh? Melissa writes about her life and often includes examples of her photography and graphic design work she does. 

10. Women Living Well  - Courtney

I stumbled across Courtney's blog when a friend of mine posted a link to it on Facebook. Courtney's blog is all about being a Proverbs31 woman and all that it entails. I especially love her posts about marriage and motherhood. 

Take some time and browse these blogs if you haven't already. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

What blogs do you read?

Peace, Love, and Healthy Living,



  1. #6 huh? I'm going to have to really step my game up if I'm going to take next year's title!

  2. Ha ha! I guess you didn't read the part where I said "alphabetical order!" :)

  3. Nah, I skipped to the "good" stuff. haha. Well, then, my narcissism can only allow me to imagine this list in an entirely different order. ;)

  4. I can't tell you how much your kind words mean to you! Your family means so much to me, as you know!

  5. Jessica, took me a while to read your blog tonight because I was checking out your favorite blogs! I think I'll pass looking at my favorite "20" blogs until tomorrow - haha! It is 11:30 (that's p.m.) and I'm heading to read myself to sleep - love, your m-i-l

  6. P.S. I don't know why it shows that I'm a visitor to your blog from Jacksonville when I'm from Fernandina Beach...

  7. Yay! The alphabet is my friend. (c:

    Thanks, Jessica. I appreciate the kind words.

    Perhaps we should clarify that when you write "My mother-in-law recently ordered my husband Dan's book," the words "my husband" are an indirect object. You're not saying that I'm your husband.


  8. Ha ha! I will definitely correct that! Thanks for the comment!

  9. So she ordered a copy for your husband for my birthday? Excellent!

    Just messin'. Thanks again!


  10. LOL! Oh boy! I'm getting a complex now! :)

  11. Hey Jessica! I found your blog through WLW, great story! I love checking out where you were and where you are now! Way to go!

    This is a GREAT list, I find myself at some of your tops once and a while, need to check out some of the others.

    I host a weekly link up called Healthy 2day Wednesdays every week. I'd love to invite you to share posts that fit every week until Saturday evening, especially since you fit into the family, health and faith niche.

    BTW, do you have a fb page?

  12. Rachel,

    Thank you for your comment and for checking out by blog. I look forward to doing the same for yours soon! I do not have a fb page for my blog yet.

  13. Thanks for the kind words!! I didn't get a chance to say hi last night at church, but you looked great!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  14. Jessica, tell DJP (Dan) that I intend to change the name of my blog to something that starts with "A" :)

  15. Thank you so much for sharing all of these! I can't wait to check them all out...I'm loving your blog dear and am so inspired by your story! - newest follower

  16. Welcome Courtney! Thank you for following! You can also check out my new Facebook page

  17. Olan, I'm way ahead of you. My blog is going to be renamed "A Changing of My Blueprint" so I can be first next time. :) lol. just kidding. Thanks Jess for the shoutout. You are a great friend and supporter! love ya, Clara
