Thursday, April 15, 2010
Potty Training Woes
It's been a week since I started potty training Abigail and we're still at square one. I tried potty training her last summer when she was about18 months old. At that point she just wasn't ready. So we stopped and started again last week. I thought this time around would be easier. She's older now and I figured she'd get the hang of it pretty quickly. Day one was rough, to say the least. I tried the no pull-ups or training panties approach first. I had to clean up poop off of my floor three times before I put training panties on her! After that, the rest of the day went pretty well. Days two and three weren't too bad either. Just a few accidents each day. Since then, it seems like we're going in the opposite direction instead of making progress. When I ask her why she goes to the bathroom in her panties instead of on the potty, she says she doesn't want to go in the potty. What do you do when your child deliberately pees or poops in her pants because she has no desire to go to the potty? Is she scared of the potty? I don't think so. We bought her a really cute frog potty and she used it a few times but would rather use the regular potty instead. So I don't think that it's because she scared. Is she lazy? I really don't know what else to do or try. I know she's only two and yes, I know, I need to be patient and that it will take time. I've tried bribery by treats, Smarties and M&M's. I've tried putting her on the potty every 20-30 minutes. I've tried no underwear. I've tried letting her stay in her wet underwear, hoping that she wouldn't like the feeling. I've tried making her clean up her own mess. I really don't know what else to do other than just keep on going and hopes she gets it soon. If anyone out there has the secret to potty training, feel free to share!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Not Me Monday
It's been a while since I actually posted a "Not Me Monday" so I figured it was about time. Please note that some of the following "not me's" are not recent but too funny not to share. Enjoy!
It was NOT me who accused my husband of passing gas, upon smelling a foul scent while driving back to Florida from Louisiana in March. The foul smell was coming from our daughter so we pulled over at the next rest station. It was NOT me who was going to change her on the front passenger seat because the rest of the vehicle was loaded down. It was also NOT me who got a handful of poop when I was trying to pull her onesie up high enough to change her. I absolutely did NOT throw the onesie away so that we didn't have to smell it the rest of the way home. My hands also did NOT smell like poop the rest of the way, even though I had washed them multiple times in the restroom.
After Abigail hit a little boy, I did NOT spank her while saying "we don't hit."
It was NOT me who decided to potty train Abigail this week. It was also NOT me who decided to potty train without pull-ups or training panties the first day. I absolutely did NOT have to clean up poop three times off of my floor before I realized that I should put some training panties on her. I have NOT cleaned up any more poop or pee from the floor this week!
It was NOT me who went and got a pedicure and an eye brow wax today. I was NOT embarrased when the lady pulled my feet out of the water to "work" on them. It has definitely NOT been a year since I last had a pedicure. The lady who waxed my eyebrows did NOT laugh at me when she saw them. She also did NOT ask me how long it had been since I had them done. I did NOT blame it on having a child and never getting out of the house.
It was NOT me who accused my husband of passing gas, upon smelling a foul scent while driving back to Florida from Louisiana in March. The foul smell was coming from our daughter so we pulled over at the next rest station. It was NOT me who was going to change her on the front passenger seat because the rest of the vehicle was loaded down. It was also NOT me who got a handful of poop when I was trying to pull her onesie up high enough to change her. I absolutely did NOT throw the onesie away so that we didn't have to smell it the rest of the way home. My hands also did NOT smell like poop the rest of the way, even though I had washed them multiple times in the restroom.
After Abigail hit a little boy, I did NOT spank her while saying "we don't hit."
It was NOT me who decided to potty train Abigail this week. It was also NOT me who decided to potty train without pull-ups or training panties the first day. I absolutely did NOT have to clean up poop three times off of my floor before I realized that I should put some training panties on her. I have NOT cleaned up any more poop or pee from the floor this week!
It was NOT me who went and got a pedicure and an eye brow wax today. I was NOT embarrased when the lady pulled my feet out of the water to "work" on them. It has definitely NOT been a year since I last had a pedicure. The lady who waxed my eyebrows did NOT laugh at me when she saw them. She also did NOT ask me how long it had been since I had them done. I did NOT blame it on having a child and never getting out of the house.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Where We Live
Hey guys! As promised, here are a few pics of the house we are living in right now. For more you can check out my facebook profile.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Pearl River, Louisiana
In my last post, I informed you all that we were moving to Slidell, Louisiana. Well, we made it but our address is actually in Pearl River, LA.
We found out that since Ryan is still in training, he has to work on Easter Sunday and since we still only have one vehicle until he gets his truck from Fernandina, we wouldn't be able to attend church. My mom and I decided to go ahead and dress Abigail in her Easter outfit and get some pics.
Saturday, I made our Easter lunch since Ryan will be working on Sunday. Our friend Josh, came and ate with us since his wife and kids are out of town for a few more days. I made roast with carrots and onions, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean bundles, homemade mac and cheese, and we had oreo cheesecake for dessert. It was very yummy. We had planned to hide the Easter eggs and let Abigail hunt them after lunch but it was raining all afternoon. We had a lazy afternoon and Abigail and I both enjoyed a nap.
I barely slept at all the week of the move because I was so busy packing boxes and trying to get everything ready. I am a huge procrastinator so it wouldn't have been so bad, if I had started sooner! On Friday, March 26, we finished loading our rented Budget truck and pulled out for the first leg of our journey around 1:15 pm. It was a bittersweet moment, leaving the place we had called home for the last four years and the only home Abigail had ever known. We arrived in Graceville, Florida where my parents live, that evening.
We started the last leg of our journey on Saturday morning. My mom was able to come with us, which was a huge help! We arrived at our rental house in Pearl River, around 2 pm. After looking around a few moments, we began the task of unloading and putting all the big items in place. Then came the unloading of all the boxes and then the unpacking! My least favorite part! We had accomplished a lot by early evening so we set out to Walmart for some items that we needed and in search of some supper. When we arrived back at our house, my mom, Abigail, and I came inside to start setting out our supper, while Ryan unloaded the car. He left the storm door propped open to bring in the groceries. My mom had set Abigail's supper out on her tv tray and I was opening to-go boxes to see who's was who's, when I heard my mom scream. I in turn screamed because I didn't know what she was screaming about, which set Abigail off in a fit of hysterics. The source of the scream...a cat! My mom hates cats, as do I, but this cat had come in through the propped open storm door and was making a beeline to Abigail's supper! After I shoo'd the cat out, and my mom tried to get Abigail calmed down enough to eat, I couldn't help but laugh! And at this point, I was so tired that anything funny became hysterical! After supper, the unpacking continued. My mom and Ryan were rockstars! lol! Abigail wouldn't let me out of her sight and wanted to be held, so I didn't accomplish much until I got her to sleep. People who know me, know that I do not deal with stress very well. So by the end of the night, my mom ordered me to take a shower and go to bed! It was the best option, trust me! We all made it to bed around 1 am or so on Sunday morning. Thankfully, they let me sleep in the next morning and I was in much better shape. By Sunday afternoon, we were pretty much finished unpacking and then my dad arrived. I think he timed it out like that on purpose! :) He did hang all of our pictures and wall hangings for us though! I still have a few odd and end things to do but they'll get done in time.
So far we are enjoying our new home and new town. Slidell is a really neat town and has a lot to offer. While my parents were still here, we went in to New Orleans one afternoon and walked around the French Quarter.
My parent's left on Thursday morning and Abigail and I spent the day with Ryan. We went to Lowe's and picked up some area rugs since the floors are linolium throughout the whole house. After lunch at Olive Garden we made our way back home. On Friday morning, Abigail and I dyed Easter eggs. She had such a great time.
Today is Easter. The cross is bare; the tomb is empty; the throne is occupied! Halleluah! Abigail and I woke up before Ryan had to leave for work. She received an Easter basket from us. Since, she had gotten one earlier from Nana and Papa that was filled to the max, we decided on just a few things; some chocolate marshmallow eggs, some candy, and the animated version of Alice in Wonderland. Abigail and I are watching it now while I blog. The weather is a little overcast today. I'm hoping it clears up a bit so Abigail can hunt some eggs.
I'm going to try and take some pics of the house this week. Be on the lookout for a new blog coming soon.
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